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The 360° Journal by FAIRNET #Fairs #Events #Congresses


Conditions for the cnidium dubium plant are now better than ever. This plant is characteristic of the floodplain meadows along the River Elbe to the south of Wittenberg - quite unlike the thousands of people who assembled here in May 2017. Not so much on account of the unusual vegetation as for the unhindered view of the skyline of Wittenberg, with the Castle Church and the City Church. As authentic sites of Martin Luther's activities, they signify the start of the Reformation - hence, they were chosen as the backdrop for the celebratory church service that was the high point of the "500th Anniversary of the Reformation".

Under FAIRNET's direction, 40 hectares of unspoilt - and therefore undeveloped - meadowland were turned into a festival site. Step by step, the necessary infrastructure and facilities for a prominent event of this size were put in place. The focal point is a stage with an imposing roof structure, framed by terraces for several thousand musicians. More than 1,000 truck loads were delivered to the site by the end of May, the most extraordinary delivery being the four bronze bells weighing several tonnes, which, after being installed in a special belfry, rang out on 28 May to mark the church congress.

The star of the show, the meadow itself, remained largely untouched by all this and served as a natural seating area. To ensure optimum regeneration after this major event, the meadow was mown in advance and then re-sown - rejuvenating the cnidium dubium and other plants.

The green green grass … by August 2017 nothing remains to be seen of the huge event.

The bells rang for the first time on the Elbe Meadows before being taken to their final destination, St Alban's Church in Göttingen.

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