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The 360° Journal by FAIRNET #Fairs #Events #Congresses


Is a new trend proclaimed every week concerning the tasks of an executive manager? One gets the impression that the expectations are constantly rising, becoming more demanding, almost super-human. What should one do? Follow the crowd and join in? Simply ignore it? Constantly call everything into question? Duck away? Pass the pressure on to others?

Putting vexation aside, let us look at the dictionary definition of the word "executive management": management means "leading or guiding" an organisation. Executive means (verb) "carrying out plans, duties etc."; and (noun) "a person or group of persons having administrative or supervisory authority in an organisation."

It is clear that I cannot "lead" or "guide" the globalisation process; my influence on markets, trends and technologies is also limited. But it once again strikes me that Something very important has been entrusted to me, and so I should concentrate precisely on that - leading and guiding my team!

But do I really focus on my team every day? Do I ensure that it has everything it needs for the work we do each day and for meeting the demands that our clients and we ourselves require of us? Do we see meaning in what we do? Do we have a shared purpose? Do I ensure that my team has ideas and the courage to realise them? Do I leave scope for creativity? And behind all the strategy and the often hectic day-to-day business, do I still see the individuals who actually make it all happen? Do I treat them with the respect they deserve? Do I trust in their skills? Do I give them opportunities to test themselves and keep developing? Do we talk to each other and is work allowed to be fun?

I ask myself these questions as often as possible, because our field of play is also constantly changing. Every day I have to make adjustments, rearrange and balance things out. This is only possible if I rely on my team and share responsibility, and if we set the right priorities for each new challenge. That is my field of play.

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